A 60-year-old woman in the MP’s Sagar district was raped and had her intestines pulled out before the perpetrator murdered her, the police said on Monday, in a case that is ominously similar to the December 16, 2012 rape case in Delhi.
The woman was found murdered along with her 21-year-old physically challenged son on January 24 at their house in the Purani Chirai locality, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Cantonment police station. The police then filed a case murder and destruction of evidence under Sections 302 and 201 of the IPC. Subsequently, rape charges were also added to the FIR.
“A police team led by city SP Gautam Solanki and Cantonment SHO BM Dwivedi quizzed all those who were close to the deceased. Their investigations led them to the alleged culprit, who confessed to the crime after prolonged grilling,” Sagar SP Sachin Atulkar said.
The accused, identified as Cantonment Board sweeper Shankar Valmiki, allegedly kept garbage boxes at the widow’s house and collected them at night. On January 23, the police said, Valmiki reached her house in an inebriated condition, banged her head on the wall, and then raped her. According to the police, after raping her, Valmiki inserted his hand in her private parts, pulling out the intestines. He then allegedly wrapped the intestines around her neck and even inserted two steel glasses into her uterus to stop the excessive bleeding triggered by the savage act.
The police said that Valmiki then strangulated the widow and her son to ensure that he could not be tracked by the authorities.
Source : Hindustan Times , 2nd Feb 2016
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