It is often stated that the latest and greatest consumer electronics
have quickly eroded our social skills. While that may be true, these
devices can have the opposite effect on children with autism by
providing new ways to effectively teach social skills.
I've been fascinated by how consumer electronics can aid families and
individuals with special needs since my undergraduate research project
at Scripps College. In this case, I studied video-modeling, a technique
that uses video to teach a child to observe and learn new skills or
behaviors. Video-modeling actually builds on the strengths of a child
with autism: visual processing as opposed to auditory processing used in
didactic teaching methods. Studies have shown
that children with autism learned skills quicker using video modeling
than live modeling. It's a prime example of how technology can provide
an economical, efficient and effective treatment that results in quick
acquisition of behavior.
Technology is increasing by leaps and bounds, and more manufacturers
understand that there is a market for people with autism, specifically
parents. As this field develops, I hope that more parents and decision
makers rely on the scientific method to determine whether these
technologies can empirically show learning and growth across a spectrum
of individuals.
At this year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES), a number of companies
displayed new technologies not specifically designed for people with
autism, but whose advanced capabilities could be applied to help treat
people with these special needs.
These include:
Big Bird's Words : Many parents of children with
autism struggle with basic activities such as going to the grocery
store. With Big Bird's Words, parents load a list of grocery items into
the smartphone-compatible iPhone app, where their child then learns word
identification during the grocery visit. Many individuals with autism
have difficulty in less-structured environments such as grocery stores.
With this application, families can create a formal structure by
integrating their child into the grocery shopping experience, which will
enhance vocabulary and transforms difficult daily tasks into something
fun and interactive.
VivoPlay: I have heard hundreds of newly-diagnosed
parents express their greatest concern for their child with autism:
safety. For a special needs parent, ensuring your child is safe at all
times is daunting. Many special needs children may not have developed
sufficient safety skills or environmental awareness compared to
typically developing peers. The VivoPlay is a child-friendly watch that
uses GPS, WiFi and cell tower triangulation to consistently provide a
child's location in real time on applicable smartphones. Unlike the
Friend-Finder applications that provide cellular phone locations, this
tracker is directly attached to a child's forearm. It is especially
useful if a child has a tendency to run away. The watch also enables
"Safe Zones" that notifies parents if children leave a designated area
such as a friend's house or school grounds. For special needs children,
safety skills should continue to be an important learning goal at school
and home; however, this accessory should aid parents during this
learning process.
nabi2: Many children know their way around an iPad,
but for children with autism it's often difficult to regulate how much
time they spend with electronics. The tablet has an integrated learning
system that creates a learning environment surrounding technology. For
those children who become fixated on just one game or one item, the
nabi's "Chore List" and "Treasure Box" integrate incentives into a
child's playtime. The nabi2 uses a basic token system in which
predetermined chores are set and can be exchanged for new games or apps
once completed. Also, the tablet incorporates strict parental controls
that allow parents to use a timer that prompts children to hand the
tablet over to a parent or sibling after x amount of minutes. This is
great for teaching appropriate sharing and playing behavior. An added
benefit: For every nabi2 that is purchased, one tablet will be donated
to a family with a child with autism through the HollyRod Foundation.
NeuroSky : NeuroSky showcased "Focus Pocus," an
interactive game that is controlled by player brainwaves. This product
was originally designed to help children with concentration problems to
improve their impulse control, attention span and memory, but this game
soon became popular with adults as well. Although research has been
limited on the use of neurofeedback for children with autism, the device
utilizes EEG software known as a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) to read
brain wave states, electrophysiological activity or metabolic rate. Research has shown
that neurofeedback can be effective for increasing concentration in
athletes, so I hope that research begins to addresses how this type of
brain-monitoring system might help individuals on the autism spectrum.
Until then, the device's effectiveness among the special needs
population is subject to debate.
Source : huffingtonpost ( 25th feb 2013 )
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