In robotics, you will often hear the term “Humanoid Robot” but what does
it mean?
A Japanese Humanoid Robot
Humanoid robots or sometime also called as anthropomorphic robots are
the robots that has the body shape like that of a normal human. That
means a humanoid robot will look almost exactly like a human. However in
some case only a part of the body may resemble a human body, for
example from the waist up.
Androids are a type of humanoid robots that are built to
aesthetically resemble humans. These humanoid robots are designed using
artificial materials that are meant to resemble the natural appearance,
for example special plastics are used to resemble the skins, eyes and
Each humanoid robot is designed by studying the human body structure
and behavior. That means a perfect humanoid robot should not only
include similar structure but also the emotional and psychological
characteristics. However creating a perfect humanoid robot is still a
thing of future.
Humanoid robots are designed to enhance the human capabilities. That
includes both physical and mental attributes. It means a humanoid robot
can carry heavy weight, solve complex mathematical problems within
seconds and work 24/7. They will act under your command and will perform
the task you demand.
Purpose of Making Such Humanoid Robots
The only reason humanoid robots are created is to make our life
easier and safer. They can perform tasks like personal assistance, where
they can assist sick or disabled person. There are humanoid robots out
there that will wash your clothes, do the dishes, cook food and even
clean the house. Some robots are designed for entertainment purposes
that can sing and dance like a normal person. For example a female
Robert at Universal Studios called Ursula who can sing, play music,
dance and speak to her audiences.
Humanoid robots are commonly used in the industrial sectors where
they can use tools and operate machines and vehicles. In factories they
are used to carry heavy loads or perform risky tasks. A humanoid robot
can do work equivalent to at least 10 people and what is more it will
not hesitate to work around the clock. That is why they are found in
almost every factories and industries in a developed country.
Besides the personal assistance, the humanoid robots are also used as
a research tool in several scientific results. They often carry out
dangerous task or those tasks that a human can never be able to do. One
example is exploring and collecting data on another planet like Mars or
at the bottom of the ocean. They are also used to collect samples in an
infected area. Recently in Japan during the meltdown of Fukushima plant,
few humanoid robots were used to determine the radioactive rays which
helped to rescue several individuals.
A Perfect Humanoid Robot, Is it Possible?
Robots, almost everyone are enthusiastic to this term and the science
behind it. They imagine Robots as the artificial humans that can almost
do anything. But the reality is a bit different, humanoid robots are
still in the progress of development and advancement.
Humanoid Robot Performing Dance
It has been a dream in science to replace humans with the humanoids
in those dangerous working areas where the risks are too high such as
aftermath of terrorist attack, industrial accidents, and natural
disasters. So basically humanoids robots are designed to save lives
rather than hunt down human warriors.
Advance humanoid robots like seen in the Hollywood movies are not
just an imagination. Science says that such robots will be seen among us
in near future. Yeah of course it will take decades but it is not
impossible. Until now science has faced many challenges and as a result
has gained several achievements in the field of robotics.
The humanoid robots these days can play ping pong like a normal
person, climb ladders, clean and cook food for us and even drive a
vehicle without any assistance from anyone. You know want is surprising?
Media has covered that a number of humanoid robots are emerging on the
commercial market. These robots although may not meet your expectation
but this is a great step towards that perfect humanoid robots.
In the robotic technology, United States and Japan along with some
other countries like China and Russia are in the lead. Every time a new
prototype is developed. Recently Japan has developed a prototype of a
humanoid robot that can shake hands, laugh and communicate with us.
NASA is among the lead organizations that has been developing several
prototypes. The organization focuses on creating advance robots that
can explore planets, search extra terrestrial life in the universe.
Recently NASA has succeeded to land a robot on Mars that has been
exploring the planet, searching water sources and extra terrestrial
life. The robot is constantly sending data to the earth which is a major
achievement in robotics.
It is said that few robots played a crucial role in the major
disaster that happened in Japan which was a combination scenario of both
the natural disaster and the meltdown of Fukushima nuclear facility.
Since there was a high risk of radioactive materials within the nuclear
facility, they used a wheeled Robot to explore the area and measure the
amount of harmful rays. And thanks to these robots, many were rescued
from the plant.
Robots are commonly used in the industrial facility like factories
that built vehicles and other machinery equipments. Since they can work
faster, carry heavy loads and act the way you command, they have
decreased the amount of manpower needed to complete the task. And what
is more; they can work 24/7. That is why in almost every industry and
factory you will find at least one robot doing the work of about 100
An ideal humanoid robot should not only look like a human; it needs
to perform tasks that we normal people cannot. And this does not only
mean the physical work; the robot should be able to make decision on its
own. Emotions are the next characteristics of an ideal humanoid. Like
we normal people, it should know when to feel sad and when to feel
Although robotics is considered to be a complex science, an ideal
robot needs to be simple and user friendly. It needs to understand human
feelings and act in the way the situation demands. Basically, that
perfect humanoid robot needs to be exactly like the one we imagined; of
course in a right way. And seeing all the achievements it might just be a
matter of time when our imagination becomes the reality.
Challenges in creating a perfect Humanoid Robots
A perfect humanoid robot; although it might sound like something you
will hear in a sci-fi movie, in reality it is actually possible. In a
few decades, humanoid robots will be among us, helping and making our
life easier and safer.
There is a saying “It is easier said than done”. This applies in
robotics as well. There are many challenges once has to face when
creating that perfect humanoid robots. And here in this article we will
discuss about those challenges.
Money; this is the first challenge that will rise in creating that
perfect humanoid robot. And we are not talking about few thousands or
millions here, the project needs billions of dollars. Even a small
prototype will need at least a million dollar to complete.
Just take an example of the U.S Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency. They started a project that replaces humans doing dangerous work
in risky environments with humanoid robots with 2 million dollars. And
this is just an early expenses, the project is yet to be completed.
Next challenge is the lack of qualified manpower. Robotics is among
the most expensive education and joining a training program is not what
everyone can do. Although student aid programs are available, the
competition is too high and only few are selected for the program.
That is why there is not much manpower qualified for the task. And
since a new project needs both confidence and experience alongside the
right knowledge, there are not much people to take the risk.
The final challenge is none other than creating a perfect humanoid
robot. Although there have been great achievements in robotics, we are
still far behind from that perfect humanoid robots.
Creating a perfect human structure is a simple task. But what comes
after is where the challenges start. A perfect humanoid robot should not
just look like a human but should act one too. That means all our
emotional as well as physical characteristics should be implanted on
that robot.
1. We cannot incorporate emotions into a machine
So the first challenge is to program emotions in a robot. Until now
we have just succeeded to make a robot laugh or cry. But these are not
the only emotions human show. The robot needs to understand the
situation itself and should act like the way a human would act in that
For example, if someone let’s say the loved ones of the owner dies,
the robot needs to feel sad or in some case may cry as well. If the
robot meets someone new then it should smile and should greet him/her.
Although there might have some progress on this matter, we are still far
2. Only Living creatures have the self deciding power
Next is the self decision making feature. The humanoid robot should
acquire new knowledge from autonomous interactions with the environment
and should accomplish task even the designers did not implement. This
also includes taking decisions.
Another one is to interact with people. Human are the species that
tends to interact with other human like entities. So it is quite
challenging to create a robot that people want to interact to. This does
not only include casual greetings, the robot should get involved in
serious discussions or debates. And it should not look unnatural in any
3. A machine cannot think, act and behave like a human
The last one is to create a robot that can do almost anything we have
imagined. It needs to do almost everything a normal human can and even
more like flying, calculating large numbers, capable of carrying heavy
weight and so on. Until now we have succeeded to create a robot that can
do no more than two tasks. So creating the one that can do almost every
task is really challenging.
The Bottom Line
Although the challenges look tough and may seem impossible, the way
we are progressing in the field of robotics shows us the possibility of
creating that perfect humanoid robot one day. There is something more
important than the method and it is the faith.
Source : UltratechTalk ( Nov 2012)
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