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Friday 2 January 2015

Arm Amputee: Just think it and these arms do it

Imagine losing your arm at the shoulder.  Now, imagine losing both arms at the shoulder.  This is how Les Baugh has lived the last forty years of his life. 

Over the summer, Les became the first double amputee to wear prosthetics that are completely controlled by the mere thought of movements. 

A mundane action, such as moving a cup by hand, was not a reality for Les before being fitted with his new prosthetics; but Les accomplished this task after only ten days of training with the new arms.  Before the arms could be controlled by thoughts, Les “had to undergo a surgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital known as targeted muscle reinnervation.”

A great deal of research has been completed to perfect this muscle reinnervation, and it is amazing to see the outcome such a positive way.

Source: Foundation for BioMedical Reserach,1st Jan 2015

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